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Hotel Association Nepal organized Cross Border Tourism Promotion Program in Ayodhya & Lucknow from March 2-7, 2024
First Nepal Hospitality Day 2024, January 16, 2024
HAN leads TFT Relief Initiatives: HAN together with tourism associations under Together for Tourism (TFT) this evening called on Rt. Hon'ble Prime Minister at his office in Singhadurbar and handed over the cheques and collected materials to Jajarkot Earthquake Victims through "Prime Minister Relief and Rescue Assistant Fund". We are thankful to respected members and contributors for this humanitarian relief assistance.
Today's Meeting: HAN president Mr Binayak Shah together with Secretary General Mr Sajan Sakya called on Mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan City this afternoon at his chamber at Kamaladi. At the meeting, HAN president Mr Shah proposed for a joint meeting which outlines the model of collaboration and action plans, thereby preparing the ground for transformative tourism in the country. Mayor Shah expressing a positive note, urged for a joint initiatives to bring about remarkable change in the existing mode of tourism in the country.
1). HAN delegation led by president Mr Binayak Shah met with DG of Immigration Department Mr Rudra Singh Tamang at his office this afternoon. The meeting dwelt on various aspects related to immigration, service standarization, trainings and efficient service delivery among others. 2). The team also called on newly appointed DG of Department of Tourism Mr Chakra B Budha at his office. HAN raised the issues facing policy related contradictions/discrepancies and standarization issues, to promote the hospitality sector, the bullwark of economy, employment and development The DG in his address committed to expedite periodic discussions with stakeholders to address the concerns.
World Tourism Day HAN Executive Committee Members Mr. Rajendra Bhatta and Mr. Laxman Aryal & Secretariat join a parade and attend a formal program organized to mark World Tourism Day 2023 on the theme of 'Tourism and Green Investments' this morning at Patan Durbar Square
Thamel Special Zone Committee organized 'Interactive Meeting with Hoteliers at Thamel'
MICE and Destination Wedding Promotion Workshop Concluded: HAN President Mr Binayak Shah chaired a workshop on 'MICE and Destination Wedding Promotion' at Hotel Radisson, Kathmandu. Mr Shah welcoming all the participants underscored on accelerating collaboration to capitalize on the huge market that Nepal has to offer in the domain of MICE and Wedding. At the program coordinated by Women Hoteliers' Committee, more than 70 participants representing different hotels from across Nepal along with the experts of this sector interacted and garnered deeper insights on the prospects and challenges of MICE Tourism in Nepal. IPP and patron of the committee Ms Shreejana Rana delivered a keynote on the theme of the workshop with key highlights of the event and future roadmap. The presentation was made by ECM and Committee Coordinator Ms Bidhata Shrestha, ECM Amritanjali Sakya and ECM Ashlesha Karki on the overall aspects on the issue. Government Reps, NTB, Tourism Associations, Travel and Tourism entrepreneurs among others attended the event with deliberations with their concerns. Chief Guest Mr Bam Bahadur Mishra, Deputy Governor of Nepal Rastra Bank addressed the event with his remarks and he also answered the com
A team led by HAN Secretary General and Secretary General Forum Coordinator Mr Sajan Shakya met with Secretary of MoCTCA Mr Bharatmani Subedi and interacted on various issues as discussed in previous meetings.
President Mr Binayak Shah together with Secretary General Mr Sajan Shakya interacted with newly appointed Ambassadors to UAE (HE Mr Tej B Chhetri), Thailand (HE Mr Dhan B Oli) and France (Mr Sudheer Bhattarai) this evening at a program organized by tourism associations to brief them on the prospect cum status of Nepalese tourism. The meeting dwelt on deeper deliberation on the effective mode of marketing on the part of Nepalese mission/ envoys abroad to position Nepal as a premier tourist destination in the respective source markets.
HAN Lumbini Province Adhoc Committee President CP Shrestha chaired the Sensitization Workshop at Hotel Nansc, Bhairahawa organized under ENSSURE Partnership Project carried out primarily to promote apprenticeship and HR/Skill Enhancement Practices in collaboration with Hotel Industry on August 30, 2023. Chief Guest Hon'ble Home Minister of Lumbini Province Santosh Pandey inaugurated the program. HAN President Binayak Shah, Mayor of Siddharthanagar Minicipality Istiyaq Ahmed Khan, HAN Treasurer Youb Raj Shrestha and ENSSURE Team Leader Rabindra Bahadur Singh attended the program as a Special Guest. CEO of Lumbini Paryatan Parisad Ranu Joshi, Vice President of SICCI Siddharthanagar Dilip Kumar Kanduk, President of Udhyog Byapar Sangsthan and Siddhartha Sanjal Rupendehi Anil Gyawali, President of Lumbini Press Club Samjhana Sharma, Chairman of Ward No. 5 Siddharthanagar Minicipality Puran Prasad Shrestha, Chairman of Ward No. 13 Siddharthanagar Minicipality Som Gurung and Chairman of Ward No. 6 Siddharthanagar Minicipality Birendra Nath Srivastav attended the program as a guest.
Meeting at NTB A delegation led by Secretary General Mr Sajan Sakya, coordinator of Secretary Generals Forum, interacted with NTB CEO on August 23, 2023 at his office. The meeting discussed on various agendas, namely, Tourist Increment Strategies, Industry-demanded NTB Budget, Himalayan Travel Mart Issues and Representation Modality at NTB Board Structure and Committee Report Implementation among others.
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