Whether you operate a big hotel, a resort or an informal guesthouse, as a member of HAN you are immediately recognized as a part of Nepal's most important industrial sector. Your involvement in the programs and committees of HAN offer an opportunity to serve this vital part of the country's economy and gives you an individual voice within the association and a collective voice through the HAN.
Professional and social meetings throughout the year give you an opportunity to network and share experience with other hoteliers. You can create along with other member a strong voice for the industry's future and representation at governmental levels as HAN has powerful influence in governmental bodies related the tourism industry in major decision making bodies.





Training and professional development

HAN organizes and invites you to the training and education seminars, conferences that focus on the most vital issues pertaining to hotel and tourism industry.


Members will get a membership card, which entitles the bearer to discounts up to 50 percent on food and beverage and other services in member hotels and abroad.